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Our shellfish beds are located in the clean, fresh waters of the lower Puget Sound in Washington State. To provide the best service and the freshest product, we harvest one hundred percent of our oysters and clams within a nine-mile radius of our headquarters. Contact us for any questions regarding our shellfish.

Manila Clams, Venerupis
japonica, are prized by chefs for their excellent qualities: theycook quickly, always open, have a long shelf-life and a great, sweet taste.
Geoduck, Panope abrupta, are
pronounced gooey-duck; they are the worlds largest intertidal clam. They grow at an average depth of 10-80 feet. Our Ducks are farmed raised and are sold from one pound to up to 2.5 pounds. We ship our Geoducks five days a week from our plant in Shelton. Usually the Geoducks are delivered within 24 hours to locations in China.
Pacific Oysters, Crassostrea
gigas, are favored for their
great taste, both raw and
cooked. Chosen by gourmets
everywhere, they have become
the most widely grown oyster
in the world.
Little Skookum Sweet Oysters. These Pacific oysters are a bit less salty than our regular Pacific oysters, and retain their great taste and firm
texture year-'round.
Steel Point Oysters. These Pacific oysters are a bit less salty than our regular Pacific oysters, and retain their great taste and firm texture year-'round. They are a more cupped
oyster and have a bit of a
very flavorful after taste.


© 2009  J.J. Brenner Oyster Company  All Rights Reserved
Proud Member of the Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association